Mario Alinei †
Linguist (Emeritus, University of Utrecht)
Professor emeritus (University of Utrecht, NL); honorary member (and former President) of the International Society for Dialectology and Geolinguistics; President of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (1989); founding member of the Società Linguistica Italiana; co-founder and President (from 1982) of the Atlas Linguarum Europae (UNESCO sponsored project); founder and Emeritus Editor of the international journal "Quaderni di Semantica"; senior member of the Royal Academy Gustaf Adolf, Uppsala (Sweden); member of the Accademia Peloritana, Messina.
Books on the PCP: Dal totemismo al cristianesimo popolare. Sviluppi semantici nei dialetti italiani ed europei, Alessandria 1984; Origini delle lingue d'Europa, 2 vols, Bologna 1996-2000; Etrusco: una forma arcaica di ungherese, Bologna 2003; Alguns aspectos da Teoria da Continuidade Paleolítica aplicada à região gallega (with Francesco Benozzo), Lisboa 2008; Origens célticas e atlânticas do megalitismo europeu (with Francesco Benozzo), Lisboa 2009; L'origine delle parole, Roma 2009; Nuovi studi di Archeologia Etimologica, Bologna 2011; Arqueologia etimológica. Três estudos acerca da continuidade linguístico-cultural do Paleolítico (with Francesco Benozzo), Lisboa 2011; Gli Etruschi erano Turchi: dalla scoperta delle affinità genetiche alle conferme linguistiche e culturali, Alessandria 2013; Arqueologia Etimológica II. Três estudos acerca da continuidade linguístico-cultural do Mesolítico (with Francesco Benozzo), Lisboa 2014; DESLI - Dizionario etimologico semantico della lingua italiana (with Francesco Benozzo), Bologna 2015; Saggi etimologici, Alessandria 2018; Falsi germanismi nelle lingue romanze (with Francesco Benozzo), Alessandria 2019.
Other books: La struttura del lessico, Bologna 1974; Lingua e dialetti: struttura, storia e geografia, Bologna 1984; Il sorriso della Gioconda, Bologna 2006; Dante rivoluzionario borghese, Milano 2016.
Xaverio Ballester
Linguist (University of Valencia)
Professor of Latin Philology. Ph.D. in Classical Philology (University of Barcelona, 1987); Profesor titular of Latin Philology in the University of Zaragoza (1989); Professor of Latin Philology in the University of Valencia (1997); Professor of Latin Philology in the University of La Laguna (1997, resign); co-editor of the journal "Liburna".
Books on the PCP: Las Primeras Palabras de la Humanidad, Valencia 2002; Zoónimos ancestrales, Valencia 2007; Linguística Indo-Europeia Tradicional e Paradigma da Continuidade Paleolítica cara a cara, Lisboa 2009; Falas Indo-Europeias e Anindo-Europeias na Hispânia Pré-Romana, Lisboa 2012; 40 Antídotos contra los venenos de la lingüistica tradicional, Lugo 2013; As Línguas Célticas: Origens Centro-Europeias ou... Atlânticas?, Lisboa 2014; Gemeolos, ciclopes y chamanes, Madrid 2019; 40 Antidotes to the Poisons of Traditional Linguistics, Lugo 2021.
Other books: A Catulo usque ad Catullum. Studia neoterica, Barcelona 1988; Fonemática del latín clásico. Consonantismo, Zaragoza 1996; Los Mejores Títulos y los Peores Versos de la Literatura Latina, Barcelona 1998; Gálatas, Getas y Atlantes. Tres Ensayos de GeoFilología Clásica, Valencia 2010.
Francesco Benozzo
Philologist (University of Bologna)
Professor in Romance Philology . Ph.D. in Celtic Philology (University of Wales, 2002); Ph.D. in Romance Philology (University of Bologna, 1999); coordinator of the Ph.D. Prorgam in "World Literature and Cultural Studies"; founder and general editor of the international journals "Philology" and "Studi Celtici"; general editor of the international journals "Quaderni di Semantica" and "Quaderni di Filologia Romanza"; "membro asesor" of the Associacion de Onomastica Galega; coordinator of the field-research project "ATER - Archivio Toponomastico Emiliano Romagnolo"; coordinator of the research centre "FIMIM – Filologia e Medievistica Indo-mediterranea"; Italian delegate for the World Archaeological Association; member of the "Laboratorio permanente di studi sciamanici" (University of Bologna); member of the scientific committees of various international centres and research groups: among the others: “Committee for Editors of Linguistics Journals” (Linguistic Society of America); “CRAIG - Classics, Religious Studies, Anthropology and Archaeology Interdisciplinary Group”, University of Calgary (Canada); “IRAAL - Irish Association for Applied Linguistics”; “Centro studi di Medical Humanities (CMH), University of Bologna”; “CLOPEX - Centro Studi sulle Letterature Omeoglotte dei Paesi Extra-europei”, University of Bologna; “We Tell / Storytelling and Civic Awareness in Post-Digital Age” (University of Bologna); “ALCAM - Atlas Linguistique des Côtes Atlantiques et de la Manche” (Universities of Liège, Madrid, Valencia, Amsterdam); European proect “Longobard Ways across Europe”; “Performigrations. People are the Territory”, funded by EU; “Partnership Studies Group”, University of Udine. Member of the editorial board of several international series and journals: among the others “Il cavaliere del leone. Collana di studi e testi medievali”, “Scienze della diversità”; “Spaction Fieldnotes / Antropologie degli spazi in azione”; “Rivista di Studi Indo-Mediterranei. Plurilingual e-journal of literary, religious, historical studies”; “Quaderni di Studi Indo-Mediterranei”; “Liburna. Revista de Humanidades”; “Bibliomanie. Leterature, storiografie, semiotiche”; International encyclopaedic project “Celtic Culture. A Historical Encyclopedia”; “RID. Rivista Italiana di Dialettologia”.
Books on the PCP: Dizionario del dialetto di San Cesario sul Panaro, 3 vols, Bologna 2006-2008; La tradizione smarrita. Le origini non scritte delle letterature romanze, Roma 2007; Alguns aspectos da Teoria da Continuidade Paleolítica aplicada à região gallega (with Mario Alinei), Lisboa 2008; Cartografie occitaniche. Approssimazione alla poesia dei trovatori, Napoli 2008; Origens célticas e atlânticas do megalitismo europeu (with Mario Alinei), Lisboa 2009; Etnofilologia: un'introduzione, Napoli 2010; edition and commentary of O. Trebbi - G. Ungarelli, Costumanze e tradizioni del popolo bolognese [1932], Bologna 2011; Arqueologia etimológica. Três estudos acerca da continuidade linguístico-cultural do Paleolítico (with Mario Alinei), Lisboa 2011; Breviario di Etnofilologia, Lecce-Brescia 2012; Arqueologia Etimológica II. Três estudos acerca da continuidade linguístico-cultural do Mesolítico (with Mario Alinei), Lisboa 2014; DESLI - Dizionario etimologico semantico della lingua italiana (with Mario Alinei), Bologna 2015; Il giro del mondo in ottanta saggi, vol. 1: linguistica, etnolinguistica, dialettologia, Roma 2016; Speaking Australopithecus, Alessandria 2019; Falsi germanismi nelle lingue romanze (with Mario Alinei), Alessandria 2019; Liguri, Etruschi e Celti, Modena 2019.
Other books: Poeti della marea. testi bardici gallesi dal VI al X secolo, Bologna 1998; Il Gododdin, poema eroico antico-gallese, Milano-Trento 2001; Alfred Bassermann: orme di Dante in Italia, Bologna 2006; Anarchia e Quarto Umanesimo, Bologna 2013; Appello all’UNESCO per liberare Dante dai dantisti, Alessandria 2013; Carducci, Milano 2016; Studi di ecdotica romanza, Roma 2016; Poesia, scienza e dissidenza, Bologna 2020; Memorie di un filologo complottista, Lucca 2021; The Ridge and the Song, Udine 2022.
Guido Borghi
Linguist (University of Genova)
Assistant Professor in Comparative Linguistics. PhD in Classical and Comparative Philology (Milan and Verona Universities, 1993); Post-Doctoral course in Anatolian Linguistics (Pavia University, 1997-1999); Lifetime Member of the Society for Indo-European Studies (since 1996); Friends and Alumni of Indo-European Studies - University of California at Los Angeles (since 2003); Founding Member of the Austrian Society for Name Studies (1997) and of the Genoa Association for Vedic and Pāṇini Studies (2001); member of various International Linguistic Associations. His research focuses on Indo-European Homeland debate, geographical distribution and territorial institutions of peoples and tribes in ancient Europe and Mediterranean basin, Near and Middle East, Central and South Asia, Indo-European etymologies with special emphasis on Celtic words and names, Romance place-names of Celtic origin as proof of the presence of Proto-Indo-European dialects in Cisalpine Gaul, Indo-European and Celtic etymologies of Old Ligurian names, and Indo-European affiliation of the ‘Mediterranean' lexical layer.
Books on the PCP: Continuità celtica della toponomastica indoeuropea in Valtellina e Valchiavenna, Sondrio-Tirano-Grosio 2009.
Franco Cavazza †
Linguist (University of Bologna)
Lecturer in Latin, Faculty of Education, University of Bologna (1972-1975); Assistant Professor in Latin language and literature, University of Bologna (since 1980); Lecturer in Linguistic, Municipality of Bologna, University of Perugia, and Accademia delle Scienze of Lucca (since 1988); Professor of History of Linguistic, University of Bologna (since 1993); Editor coordinator of Aullo Gellio's Opera omnia, Bologna 1985-1999.
Books on the PCP: Lezioni di Indoeuropeistica, con particolare riguardo alle lingue classiche (sanscrito, greco, latino e gotico), 3 vols, Pisa, 2001-2011.
Other books: Studio su Varrone etimologo e grammatico. La lingua latina come modello di struttura linguistica, Firenze 1981; Prolegomena et commentaria in "Concilium Tridentinum. Diariorum, actorum, epistularum, tractatuum nova collectio", tomus tertius, diariorum pars tertia, volumen secundum, Friburgi Brisgoviae 1985; Questioni di ortoepia e ortografia latina: un caso di neutralizzazione fonematica in latino, Pisa 1999.
Jean Chiorboli
Linguist (University of Corsica)
Professor of Linguistics. Ph.D. in Linguistics (University of Rouen, 1991); Director of the program "Intertestu" (Programme d'initiative Communautaire Européenne); Director of the workgroup "Gruppulingua" (Centre de Recherche Corse); Vice-Président of the Université de Corse chargé du CEVU (Conseil des Etudes et de la vie Universitaire) (1998-2002); representative of the Présidence de l'Université de Corse for the Réseau de Coopération Interuniversitaire sur les Méthodes d'Evaluation (since 1998); Director of the research group Sociolinguistique corse (URA CNRS SUDLA) (since 1993); member of the International Commission of the Association Internationale pour la Défense des Langues et des Cultures menacées (since 1975).
Books on the PCP: Langue corse et noms de lieux. La grammaire des toponymes, Albiana 2008.
Other books: Les langues polynomiques, Corte 1991; La langue des Corses. Notes linguistiques et glottopolitiques, Bastia 1993; Parcours interculturels (langues, littératures, sociocultures), Corte 2008.
Ana Donnard
Philologist (University of Uberlândia)
French and Celtic Studies Professor at the Federal University of
Uberlândia, Brazil (from 2008). Author of various articles about the
Celtic Medieval Literature, especially about Celtic Hagiographies and
Arthurian myth. Member of the Société Belge d'Etudes Celtiques since
2004. Member of the editorial Board of "Liburna". Member of the
Editorial Board of Nuntius Antiquus for Celtic Studies Section,
Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Member of the
International Center for Medieval Studies at the Federal University of
Uberlândia, Brazil.
Andrea Fassò
Philologist (University of Bologna)
Professor of Romance Philology. Member of the "Commissione per i Testi di Lingua". Member of the Editorial Boards of "Cahiers de Recherches Médiévales et Humanistes", "Critica del testo", "Quaderni di Filologia Romanza". His research interests mainly concern Romance linguistics and dialectology, the origins of romance epics, the troubadours lyric and the courtly romance.
Books on the PCP: La linguistica romanza di fronte al Paradigma della Continuità Paleolitica (PCP) [dialogo tra Mario Alinei e Alberto Zamboni], edited by A. Fassò, "Rivista Italiana di Dialettologia", 34, 2010, pp. 3-103.
Other books: La parlata francoprovenzale di Cogne (with C. Guichardaz), Torino 1974; Cantari d'Aspramonte. Edizione critica, Bologna 1981; Da Poitiers a Blaia: prima giornata del pellegrinaggio d'amore (with C. Bologna), Messina 1991; La Canzone di Guglielmo (Milano 1995); Il sogno del cavaliere. Chrétien de Troyes e la regalità, Roma 2003; Gioie cavalleresche. Barbarie e civiltà fra epica e lirica medievale, Roma 2005.
Gaetano Forni
Anthropologist; Historian of Agricolture (University of Milano)
Director of the Museo Lombardo di Storia dell'Agricoltura; director of the Centro Studi e Ricerche di Museologia Agraria (University of Milano); director of the "Acta Museorum Italicorum Agriculturae"; member of the Accademia dei Georgofili (Firenze); coordinator of the Storia dell'Agricoltura Italiana (History of Italian Agricolture); co-founder of the Istituto Nazionale di Storia dell'Agricoltura; co-founder of the International Association for the Study of Prehistoric and Ethnological Religions; co-founder of the Società Italiana per la Museografia e i Beni demo-etno-antropologici; co-founder of the Associazione Italiana per l'Etno-archeologia; honorary member of the Association Internationale des Musées d'Agriculture (UNESCO); honorary member of the Organisation Internationale du Vin (Paris); Adam Smith Golden Medal for the History of Economy.
Books on the PCP: Gli albori dell'agricoltura.
Origine ed evoluzione fino agli etruschi ed italici, Roma 1990.
Other books: Rivista archeologica dell'antica provincia e diocesi di Como [with A. Pozzi and M. Reali], Como 1994; Guida ai musei etnografici italiani. Agricoltura, pesca, alimentazione e artigianato [with R. Togni and F. Pisani], Firenze 1997.
Fernanda Frazão
Editor; Historian
MA in History at the University of Lisboa; her many publications concern in particular Portuguese legends, folktales and ethnotexts.
Books on the PCP: Portugal, Mundo dos Mortos e das Mouras Encantadas (with Gabriela Morais), 3 vols, Lisboa 2009-2010.
Other books: Lendas Portuguesas, 6 vols, [Lisboa] s.d. [1981]; Viagens do Diabo em Portugal (coord.), Lisboa 2000; No Tempo em que Jogar às Cartas Era Proibido. Séculos XV e XVI em Portugal, Lisboa 2003;
Lendas Portuguesas da Terra e do Mar (coord.), Lisboa 2004; Os Primeiros Fabricantes de Cartas de Jogar em Portugal. The First Playing Cards Manufacturers in Portugal, Lisboa 2005; Passinhos de Nossa Senhora. Lendário Mariano (coord.), Lisboa 2006; Jornada Real Vista por Cartas Jogadas, Lisboa 2006; Lourenço Solésio, Primeiro Mestre da Real Fábrica de Cartas de Lisboa, Lisboa 2008; Cartas de Jogar e Outros Jogos na Tradição Popular (coord.), Lisboa 2009.
Paolo Galloni
Editorial responsible of the Publishing House Viella (Rome).
Books on the PCP: Le ombre della preistoria, metamorfosi storiche dei Signori degli animali, Alessandria 2007.
Other books: He's the author of the three best-selling books Il cervo e il lupo. Caccia e cultura nobiliare nel medioevo, Roma-Bari 1993; Il sacro artefice. Mitologie degli artigiani medievali, Roma-Bari 1998; Storia e cultura della caccia, Roma-Bari 2000. Other books: Il cuore della colomba, Rimini 2002; Parole, cose, guarigioni. Cura del corpo e dell'anima tra mitologia ed esperienza nel Medioevo (e oltre), Milano 2005; Il segreto del poeta, Rimini 2008; La memoria e la voce. Un’indagine cognitiva sul Medioevo (sec. VI-XII), Roma 2013
Hans Goebl
Linguist (University of Salzburg)
Professor of Romance Linguistics at the University of Salzburg.
Maria Goudi
Linguist (University Stendhal-Grenoble3)
PhD student at the Université Stendhal-Grenoble3 (GIPSA-lab, Département Parole et Cognition); Mémoire de Maîtrise in Language Sciences (University of Nice, 2002-2003); D.E.A. in Language Sciences (University Stendhal-Grenoble3, 2003-2004). Authors of several articles on Iconomastics and lexical motivation, with special regards to the problem of zoonyms in Greek dialects; speaker at International Congresses (among the others: 7th and 8th International Conference on Greek Linguistics, University of York, 2005 and University of Ioannina, September 2009; 5th International Congres of Dialectology and Geolinguistics, Universidade do Minho, Braga, September 2006; 4th International Conference on Language Variation in Europe, University of Cyprus, June 2007).
Alessandro Grossato
Indologist, Historian of Religions (University of Padova)
Professor of History of Indian Islam and Indonesian. Former lecturer in History of Institution of Southern Asia at the University of Trieste-Gorizia (1998-2002). Member of the Italian Archaeological Expedition in Nepal. Member of the Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente (Is.I.A.O.); member of the Associazione Italiana per gli Studi Cinesi (A.I.S.C.). Associate editor of the international journal "Viridarium" (Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice); associate editor of the international journal "Quaderni di Studi Indo-Mediterranei".
Books: Navigatori e Viaggiatori Veneti in India. Da Marco Polo ad Angelo Legrenzi, Firenze 1994; Il libro dei simboli. Metamorfosi dell'umano tra Oriente e Occidente, Milano 1999 (translated into French and Spanish); Il mito della Fenice in Oriente e in Occidente, Venezia 2004; Elia e al Khidr. L'archetipo del maestro invisibile, Milano 2004; Le vie spirituali dei briganti, Milano, 2006; Forme e correnti dell'esoterismo occidentale, Milano 2008; La montagna cosmica, Milano 2010; Umana, divina Malinconia, Alessandria 2010.
Henry Harpending †
Anthropologist (University of Utah)
Professor of Anthropology. Ph.D. in Anthropology (Harvard University, 1972); Associate Editor of the following journals: "Human Biology, American Journal of Physical Anthropology" (1976–1978); "American Journal of Human Biology" (1988–1993); "American Journal of Physical Anthropology" (1993–1998). Fieldworks: eighteen months in Botswana (1967-1968); six months in Botswana (1975); fourteen months in Botswana and Namibia (1987-1988); two months in Botswana (1990); three months in Botswana (1992).
Books: The Structure of an African Pastoralist Community: Demography, History and Ecology of the Ngamiland Herero (with R. Pennington), Oxford 1993; The Aging Experience (with J. Keith, C.L. Fry, A.P. Glascock, C. Ikels, J. Dickerson Putnam), Sage publications 1994.
Alfio Lanaia
Linguist (University of Catania)
Lecturer in Historical Linguistics at the University of Catania (since 2003); lecturer in Ethnolinguistics at the University of Catania; member of the Centro di Studi filologici e linguistici siciliani of Palermo; editorial consultant of the Vocabolario Siciliano (Edited by Giovanni Tropea and Salvatore C. Trovato).
Books: Dialetto e cultura materiale a Biancavilla. Saggi e materiali, Biancavilla 1997, Ornitonimia etnea. Saggio onomasiologico, Palermo 2003; Vocabolario-atlante della cultura alimentare della "Sicilia lombarda" (with C. Salvatore Trovato), Palermo 2011.
Jean Le Dû †
Linguist (Emeritus, University of Brest)
Professor of Celtic Languages at the University of Brest (since 1980); Ph.D. in Celtic Studies (University of Brest, 1978); coeditor (with Yves Le Berre) of the journal "La Bretagne Linguistique"; member of the Editorial Board of "Etudes celtiques", "Géolinguistique"; "Dialectologia et Geolinguistica"; member of the International Society for Dialectology and Geolinguistics (Celtic Languages and Breton); member of the advisory board of the Atlas Linguistique Roman; coordinator of the research group Atlas Linguistique des Petites Antilles et de la Guyane (ALPAG) (Université des Antilles et de la Guyane, GEREC).
Books: Nouvel Atlas Linguistique de la Basse-Bretagne, Brest 2001.
Matteo Meschiari
Anthropologist (University of Palermo)
Associate Professor in Anthropology. Ph.D. in Romance Languages (University of Lille, France, 2006); Visiting Professor in Italian Literature, University of Lille, Department of Italian (since 2008); Adjunct, full time, University of Lille, Department of Italian (since 2006); Adjunct, University of Milan, Department of Architercture (since 2006); Editorial manager at Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici, Valcamonica, Italy (2001-2002); member of the Editorial Board of "Archivio antropologico mediterraneo"; co-founder of the cultural association Paesaggi Connessi.
Books on the PCP: "Terra Sapiens". Antropologie del paesaggio, Palermo 2010; Nati dalle colline. Percorsi di etnoecologia, Napoli 2010; Less is Home. Antropologie dello spazio domestico, Bologna 2014; Paleolithic Turn, Milano 2015.
Other books: Sistemi selvaggi. Antropologia del paesaggio scritto, Palermo 1998; Dino Campana. Formazione del paesaggio, Napoli 2008; Spazi Uniti d’America. Etnografie di un immaginario, Macerata 2012; Uccidere spazi. Microanalisi della corrida, Macerata 2012; Geofanie. La terra postmoderna, Roma 2015; Artico nero. La lunga notte dei popoli dei ghiacci, Roma 2016; Disabitare. Antropologie dello spazio domestico, Milano 2019; La grande estinzione. Immaginare ai tempi del collasso, Milano 2019; Neogeografia. Per un nuovo immaginario terrestre, Milano 2019; Landness. una storia geoanarchica, Macerata 2012;
Gabriela Morais
General Editor of the series "Ofiúsa" (subject-matters of the history of
Portugal) at Editora Apenas Livros (since 2000); research on historical
frameworks and creation of texts for theater plays (1973-2003); by invitation
of the IEALT (Instituto de Estudos de Literatura Tradicional), lectures to
masters students and students of course curriculum Literatura Tradicional da
Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2003).
Books on the PCP: Lisboa guarda segredos milenares. Santa Brígida, uma deusa céltica no Lumiar, Lisboa 2011; A Genética e a Teoria da Continuidade Paleolítica aplicadas à Lenda da Fundação de Portugal, Irlanda e Escócia, Lisboa 2007; Portugal, Mundo dos Mortos e das Mouras Encantadas (with Fernanda Frazão), 3 vols, Lisboa 2009-2010.
Other books: O Santuário Alentejano de São Miguel da Mota (Vestígios de um
culto à Grande Deusa), Lisboa 2002; A Lenda da Fundação de Portugal, Irlanda e
Escócia, Lisboa 2005; Roteiro Megalítico de Évora, Lisboa 2006; A Senhora de
Ofiúsa, Lisboa, 2007.
Gonzalo Navaza
Philologist (University of Vigo)
Professor of Galician and Portuguese Philology. Ph. D. in Romance Philology (University of Santiago de Compostela, 1998). Member of the Comisión de Toponimia de Galicia. Founder member of the Asociación Galega de Onomástica. Colaborador do ILG (Instituto da Lingua Galega, USC). Member of the Editorial board of of "Biblioteca Galega de Onomástica" (Santiago de Compostela) and "Studi Celtici" (Bologna).
Books: Fitotoponimia galega, Santiago de Compostela 2006; Toponimia de Catoira, Santiago de Compostela 2007; Toponimia de Saiáns, Vigo 2011.
Other works: Dialectoloxía e toponimia, in Álvarez, Dubert & Sousa (eds.), Dialectoloxía e léxico, Santiago de Compostela 2002; Note sulla toponimia litorale della Galizia, "Rivista Italiana di Onomastica" 2005; Parroquias e toponimia, in A parroquia en Galicia, Santiago de Compostela 2009; A toponimia prelatina na documentación medieval galega, in D. Kremer (ed.), Onimia e onomástica prerromana e a situación lingüistica do noroeste peninsular, Santiago de Compostela 2009. With Luz Mendez edited Actas do I Congreso Internacional de Onomástica Galega, Santiago de Compostela 2007.
Monica O’Reilly Vazquez
Philologist (Dublin City University)
PhD Student at the Dublin City University; MA in Intercultural Studies (Dublin City University, 2011); BA (Hons) in Languages (Dublin City University, 2009). Member of the Editorial board of “Clave Orión” and Associate Member of ASCAP (American Society of Composers and Publishers). She has published Spanish translations of Irish Folk Tales (The Voice of the Land and The Banshee). Among other subjects, her research interest include the investigation of the archaic relationships between Galicia and Ireland, and the interactions between archaeological cultures and ancient literary texts.
Works on the PCP: Ritual and Myths between Ireland and Galicia. The Irish Milesian Myth in the Leabhar Gabhála Éireann: Over the Ninth Wave. Origins, Contacts and Literary Evidence, MA Dissertation, Dublin City University, 2011.
Marcel Otte
Prehistorian (Emeritus, University of Liège)
Professor of Prehistory (Université de Liège, Belgium). President of the UISPP Commission for the Upper Paleolithic. His many publications concern in particular the origins of modern humans in Eurasia, their cultural traditions, aesthetic activity and spiritual functioning. The relationship between thought and religion as a mechanism peculiar to the human species is considered from an evolutionary perspective.
Books on the PCP: Le Paléolithique supérieur en Europe, Paris 2000; Recherches sur le Paléolithique Supérieur, Oxford 2003; Três Estudos sobre a Pré-História dos Indo-Europeus, Lisboa 2010; Cro-Magnon. Aux origines de notre humanité, Paris 2010.
Other books: Les Pointes à Retouches Plates du Paléolithique Supérieur Initial de Belgique, Liège 1974; Le Paléolithique Supérieur Ancien en Belgique, Brussels 1979; Le Gravettien en Europe Centrale, Brugge 1981; Préhistoire des Religions, Paris 1993; Le Paléolithique Inférieur et Moyen en Europe, Paris 1996; La Préhistoire (with Denis Vialou and Patrick Plumet), Paris 1999; Approches du Comportement au Mousterien, Oxford 2000; Les Origines de la Pensée, Mardaga 2001; Les origines de la pensée. Archéologie de la conscience, Bruxelles 2001; L'aventure humaine. Des molécules à la culture, Bruxelles 2003; Lire le passé. Méthodes de fouilles archéologiques, Liège 2003; Arts préhistoriques. L'articulation du langage, Bruxelles 2006; Arts protohistoriques. L'aurore des dieux, Bruxelles 2007; L'évolution des gestes techniques de la Préhistoire, Bruxelles 2010; The Lower and Middle Palaeolithic in the Middle East and Neighbouring Regions, Liège 2011; Méthodes archéologiques, Bruxelles 2013.
Cesare Poppi
Anthropologist (University of Bologna)
Former Lecturer in the University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK; his many research projects concern in particular ethnicity and constructions of identity, masks and initiation, secret societies and the 'political' use of knowledge; he conducted field research in Northwestern Ghana, studying the cult of the masks and the related initiation society spread among the Gur-Grushi speaking populations. He is currently working on the anthropology of maritime communities.
Books: Santi, Spiriti e Re: mascherate invernali nel Trentino fra tradizione, declino e riscoperta (with R. Morelli), Trento 2001; Museo Ladin de Fascia: Cultura materiale, religiosità e tradizioni in Val Di Fassa (with F. Gioana and F. Giovanazzi), Vigo 2005; Demoni pastori e fantasmi contadini: le mascherate invernali dalle Alpi orientali ai Balcani (with G. Kezich), Civezzano 2006.
Among his many other publications: Sigma! The Pilgrim's Progress and the Logic of Secrecy, in M.H. Nooter, Secrecy: African Art that Reveals and Conceals, New York 1993; The Other Within: Masks and Masquerades in Europe, in J. Mack (ed.), Masks: the Art of Expression, London 1994; Flowers and Bones: Approaches to the Dead in Anglo-American and Italian Cemeteries, in Comparative Studies in Society and History London 1994; Wider Horizons with Larger Details: Subjectivity, Ethnicity and Globalization, in A. Scott (ed.), The Limits of Globalization, London 1997; Persona, Masca, Larva: Masks, Identity and Cognition in the Cultures of Europe, in S.C. Malik, Pratirupa: Mind, Man and Mask, New Delhi 2002.
He released an award-winning series of documentary films produced by the Italian State TV.
Rosa Ronzitti
Linguist and philologist (Università per Stranieri di Siena)
Assistant Professor in Glottology and Linguistics. Ph.D. in Glottology and Philology (Università Statale di Milano, 1999). Since fifteen years she has been concerned with historical linguistics, Proto-Indo-European reconstruction and Vedic philology. Recently she has devoted herself to the study of animal names in Vedic texts and its relationship to Romance linguistics. She has published nearly 25 articles on national and international journals and three monographs.
Books on the PCP: Quattro etimologie indoeuropee: lat. bufo, it. gufo, ingl. smog e drug, Innsbruck 2011.
Other books: Campi figurali della creazione nel Rgveda, Alessandria 2001; I nomi in -ma- della lingua vedica, Samhita e Brahmana: forme e funzioni, Milano 2005; I derivati in *-mo- della lingua vedica (Samhita e Brahmana), Perugia 2006.
Antonella Sciancalepore
Philologist (University of Macerata)
PhD student at the University of Macerata. MA in European Literatures (University of Bologna, 2011), with a thesis on the prehistorical roots of the sovereignity-giver woman of the French Medieval literature. BA in Literature (University of Bologna, 2009). At the present her research is focused on Medieval epics and the figure of the Medieval knight as a trace of the folklore and mythology of prehistorical Europe.
Works on the PCP: Stratigraphy of the motif of knightly symposium in Medieval literature: hypothesis of a Neolithic continuity, "Studi celtici", 9, 2011, forthcoming; Dragontina e il magico beveraggio: continuità neolitica di un motivo dell’Orlando Innamorato (with Francesco Benozzo), in Atti del Convegno "Orlando innamorato. Oralità e scrittura" (Palermo, 11-12 novembre 2010) Palermo, Fondazione Ignazio Buttitta, 2011; La Dea dei cavalieri. Trasformazioni della signora datrice di sovranità tra epica e lirica, Roma 2013.
Dario Seglie
Archaeologist (Polytechnic University of Torino)
Professor of Archaeology. Director of the CeSMAP (Study Centre and Museum of Prehistoric Art, Municipal Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology of Pinerolo, since 1972); Visiting Professor at the Tomar University, Portugal (European Course of Prehistoric Art); co-founder of the IFRAO, (International Federation of Rock Art Organisations - Darwin, Australia, 1988); IFRAO-UNESCO Liaison Officer. Director, since 1985, of “Survey”, an international scientific journal of archaeology and rock art (official organ of IFRAO, edited from CeSMAP); Director and co-responsible, from 1964, of campaigns of studies and prehistoric archaeological surveys in the Western Alps and in Europe (Italy, France, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Sweden and Macedonia), in the Americas (Arizona, Wisconsin, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil), in Africa (Namibia, Morocco), in Asia (China, India, Siberia), in Australia (Northern Territory); Director, since 2002, of the Governmental Italian-Moroccan Archaeological and Rock Art Mission for the Project of the global Jbel Sarhro National Park, from Atlas to Sahara Desert, South-East Morocco, Africa.
Main books: Introduzione all'archeologia e all'antropologia: le Alpi Occidentali, Torino 1982; Arte Rupestre nelle Alpi Occidentali, Torino 1987; NEWS 95, IFRAO International Rock Art Congress Proceedings, Turin 1995, Pinerolo 1999; Siberian Rock Art, Archaeology, Interpretation and Conservation, Kemerovo & Pinerolo 1999; De Petroglyphis Gallaeciae, Santiago de Compostela & Pinerolo 2000; Prehistoric Art: Guide to Good PracLTe, Inventory, Contextualization, Preservation and Accessibility, European Commission, UE - Pinerolo 2001; Proceedings of the International Rock Art Congress “Save Rock Art” for the 40th Anniversary of the CeSMAP, Pinerolo 2004; CeSMAP-NEWS, Pinerolo 2008-2009; Rock Art World Main Problems, Special issue, Man in India, International Journal of Anthropology, New Delhi 2008; Rock Art and Museum, UISPP-UNESCO, Lisbon 2009 (with George Dimitriadis and Guillermo Munoz).
Bora Cem Sevencan
Prehistorian (University of Oulu)
Phd Researcher at University of Oulu, Department of Archaeology, Finland; MA in Quaternary and Prehistory, Ferrara University, Italy; BA in Prehistory Department at Ankara University, Turkey. He is currently focused on Function and Meaning of Rock Art in Southeastern Anatolia in the Process of Transition into Fully Agricultural Societies. (Kalliotaiteen merkitykset ja tarkoitukset Kaakkois-Anatolian alueen yhteisöjen neolitisaatiossa: muutosprosessi maatalousvaltaiseen elämäntapaan) His academic research interests include Post-Pleistocene Rock Art of Near East and Anatolian Peninsula, Paleolithic Archaeology, Ideologies in Archaeology, Early Hominid Dispersals into Europe and Their Adaptations, Lithic Technology, Quartzite Explotation, Population Genetics and Earliest Industries of Italy and Iberian Peninsula. Since July 1996, he has joined several field surveys and excavations including, Karain, Öküzini, Suluin, Lazaret Cave, Isernia La Pineta, Kargamış and Ilısu Dam Salvage Projects, Bar-Sauma Monastery Excavation and Restoration Project. He is a member of European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), Geoscience Center of Coimbra University.
Claudia Zedda
Graduated in Social Anthropology at the University of Cagliari with a thesis on Folk Traditions in Sardinia. Teacher of Italian, History, Humanities. Writer. Contributor to newspapers and journals ("Giornale di Sardegna", "Unione Sarda", "La Testata", "Theorema", "Repubblica", "Mediterranea"), TV programs, museum catalogues (travelling exhibition "Femminas"), websites. Organizer of conferences and manifestations (on Carnival, Fantastic creatures in Sardinia, S'accabadora, Sardinia, mythical island).
Books: Creature fantastiche in Sardegna, Cagliari 2008.